Good Treats to Pair with Your Cup of Coffee
When fresh coffee and delicious treats are one of your favorite hobbies like us here at Koffee Kult, you enjoy sharing the love with everyone! There are certain treats to pair with your cup of coffee that seem as if they were made in heaven, and there are some others that are not so great. We have compiled a list of the greatest treats to pair with your cup of coffee, so the next time you pick up a cup of joe you know exactly where the rest of your taste buds want to go.
If one of your favorite fresh coffee beverages is a cold brew, you can go with a sweet or savory treat. We prefer a cheese Danish with our cup of cold brew, leaning a bit more towards the sweet side. If your cold brew comes with lunch, opt for a sandwich made with Italian-style cold cuts.
Plain cake donuts make for a delicious treat to pair with your cup of coffee, especially because they are perfect for dipping! You always wonder, who orders those plain donuts? But you cannot go wrong with a good, old fashioned plain cake donut paired with your coffee. A French crueler will also do the trick, if you wish for something more sweet but not too overpowering to dip into your cup of hot, fresh coffee.
If you are more of the after-dinner coffee drinker, coffee cake is one of the most perfect desserts to pair with your cup of coffee. Get the more bitter notes of fresh coffee and the sweeter notes of the coffee cake to perfectly top off your palate.
If you are more of the sweet coffee drinker, such as a caramel or mocha flavor, you can never go wrong with a buttered croissant or buttered toast. The salty butter and the sweet flavor of your fresh coffee go hand-in-hand. Cheese also makes for a great flavor to pair with your cup of coffee, especially your caramel flavored joe.
If you are a coffee drinker on the go, munch on some nuts during your commute with coffee. Although pistachios are not the easiest nut to eat while on the go, if you have some downtime, these nuts are one of our favorites to pair with a delicious medium roast coffee.
Nothing goes better with a cup of fresh coffee than crunchy almond biscotti. Being the perfectly shaped and perfectly flavored cookie to drunk right into your mug, almond biscotti with hit every taste bud on the palate. Arguably one of the best treats to pair with your cup of coffee, you will never be disappointed in biscotti for as long as you live.
Pair these treats with your favorite Koffee Kult Arabica coffee all year long.