Northern Eye Cracker Recipes

A few of our customers are located in northern regions, which is a far cry from humid (read sticky) South Florida where the temperatures reach 80 degrees, and experiment with tasty hot, hot, hot beverages. These two recipes use Eye Cracker Espresso as the base and were served proudly at Glaze Café Pottery in Canada.

Give these a try and tell us what you think. Enjoy!

Koffee Kult Premium Espresso Beans Eye Cracker

Salty Bailey’s White Mocha Latte

Steam Baileys Irish Cream and pour over a double shot of Eye Cracker Espresso in your favorite mug. Then add one teaspoon of white chocolate and salted caramel syrup, or to taste. Top the frothy cap with fresh whipped cream and sprinkle with cocoa.

Koffee Kult Premium Espresso Beans Eye Cracker

Double Eye Cracker Hazelnut Mocha

Place two shots of Eye Cracker Espresso in your drinking vessel of choice. Add chocolate and hazelnut syrup to milk and steam. Pour delicious steamed mixture on top of espresso carefully and cap with froth. Top with three espresso beans.

 Recipes and photos courtesy of Glaze Cafe Pottery.